Micro Scope Ikona uScope

Frequent questions and answers
  1. Does Micro Scope allow simulation of peripheries?

    In cooperation with monitor which is resident in FLASH memory Micro Scope replaces emulator. That means, simulation of peripheries does not need because program runs in real hardware. When hardware is not connect program runs in simulation mode. Simulation mode supports P0,P1,P2,P3 ports, counters/timers, external interrupts and serial interface. Serial interface is emulated by port COM of connected PC.

  2. Can I also debug program in other languages then "C"?

    Via Micro Scope tool you can debug program in "C" and assembler. You can also use other language, which produces compatible Intel-OMF source code ( e.g. PL/M ).

  3. What processors can Micro Scope make with?

    For Micro Scope there is optimal processor with FLASH 60 kB with InSystemProgramming support (89c51Rx..,ADuC etc.) and with XDATA memory at least 1kB. Implementation possibility for processors with FLASH memory below 8kB there is problematic. You can change it in debugging application by higt type processor ( AT89C51RD2 etc.), which represents super-structure for 89C52 type. In final application then you can simply shoulder processors with lower parameters.

  4. Do Micro Scope have own C compiler?

    Micro Scope does not have integrated own "C" but it can integrate compilers of C and ASM from different vendors (Keil, SDCC). Concrete : in Projekt | Option menu select item with extension .C, by Properties button assign compiler. Then you can write and debug source programs in "C".
    Assembler for MCS-51 is integrated in Micro Scope.

  5. Does Micro Scope allow to debug on source code level or only on assembler level?

    With Micro Scope you can debug on both levels. When you debug code which is generated with all symbolic address ( DEBUG directive, Intel-OMF final code, usually file without extension ), then Micro Scope supports fully debugging on source code level. When you can use only hexadecimal code, you can not debug on source code level.

  6. Communication Micro Scope and hardware runs on serial line?

    Micro Scope does not need communicate during debugging with application. If you debug e.g. data capture application, communication line is open after start of user's program for debugging application. Micro Scope cannot step program and currently receive characters for debug function. This is not possible also by other emulators, because x51 processors have no VYROVNAVACI memory for serial communication. Micro Scope can start any other program in Tools/Execute menu - it may be communication program on PC for data capture etc. If you need to communicate with debugged application with other system then PC, it is possible to switch between communication lines via e.g. DATA SWITCH, wait for finish of communication between both systems and if your application has active break, which occurs due this communication, you can then switch back and continue debug session.

  7. Can Micro Scope be use for applications with ADuC processors?

    In ADuC processors there is loads firmware ( monitor and downloader ). Micro Scope supports them. Only one limitation is same as with universal processor with FLASH memory - serial line ( see item 6 ).

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Last modification: 28.01.2018
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